Lea At Sea

I finished 84, Charing Cross Road last night. It was a very quick read so I finished it in a couple of hours. It was fantastic! I couldn’t put it down, I just wanted to keep reading the great letters between Helene Hanff and the little book shop. This book is cozy and wonderful and full of life. Read it!

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A popular pleasure for Sydney visitors and residents alike is the Zoo ferry. This was my regular commuter ferry for years, long ago. We rode it over to the Zoo wharf and back, just for fun. You can see by the colours it is one of the green and yellow Sydney Ferries.

A Manly ferry is passing as the Lady Northcott pulls out of Circular Quay. I love the juddering of the ferry as it makes way, the cheery words for the captain greeting us as he enters his cabin, the familiar sights all around.

In a minute or so we are level with the Sydney Opera House, tourists lining the rails to take photos. I remember watching it during the years of construction and furor, when the Danish architect Joern Utzon eventually felt compelled to leave as his design for the interior was severely compromised by the NSW government.

Looking back towards…

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Check and unchecking
punching in
punching out
laughing and running
and running out
walking and dying
and dying out
calenders and chapters
ended calenders
of windows passed
checked windows
framed with a couch
for each frame
dusted with words
xxxxx’s & ooooo’s
white paint glosses
over like gallery wings open
then opens, unhinged board
cold coins    aimed things at
knowing, death slaps
together. Sung.
mouths part. Together.
my soft soft scarfed.
open hand.
moving steadily as an old
horse moves. Forward.
folding fields, remembered in measured
milk water basin. Best rented Clean.
train soul passes. Broken factory
A dirt callow
Morning. rooster rectory clacks
hollow. dusting death leaves
leavened humming bluebirds skyline steam
the dust roared with brown turpentine
cursed with crumbs.
unchecking paint patterns open
book cover, a re-print of silk paper
marks, stamped rubber
stripped lines
blurred, unchecked.
Bluejay inside, postmarked.
My soft spot scarfed
Opened hand.

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Briana Wucinski

I’m really fearful of letting go of my aspirations.

I’m scared of the judgement I hear in people’s voices when I tell them I’m going to move home when I graduate. I’m even more scared by their disdained faces when I tell them I’m saving up because I’m going to travel instead of getting a ‘real’ job.But what’s more terrifying is not following my dreams.

Okay, it may be unorthodox to backpack instead of going straight into the employment cycle without any real plan for afterwards, but what dictates employment as the norm? I understand I may be making a mistake by putting my career on hold for two years, but for me it doesn’t feel like a mistake. I have my whole life to work 40+ hours a week at the same desk in the same city doing the same job. I’m scared of monotony. I’m worried I won’t…

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Hutch A Good Life

Ok, so it has been a long lazy day today. You know those days when you wake up and decide “Hey, I’m not going to do anything today.” I meant to do nothing yesterday but never found the time so I found time today.

I woke up, ate breakfast, had a cuddle, fell asleep, was woken being put back in the cage, fell asleep again, waited for veggies, ate veggies, fell asleep, fresh hay arrived, ate some hay, cuddled in it and fell asleep again.

You see, today Mummy was doing lots of tidying and she was very busy. I didn’t mind having a lazy day and watching Mummy ran around like a crazy thing but the others complained continually. It’s like this young things just don’t get it.

Are lazy days out of fashion? Am I behind the times, living in the past? When did every single day turn…

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Life on a Colorado Farm

This has been a year of lots of ‘stuff ‘…

Stuff we have had to deal with…the fire, the fences, lack of rain,  way too hot, not enough irrigation water, loved ones passing on over to the other side…you know all those things that make up every day living, but also sort of wear you down.

But last evening…across the pinto bean field and the corn field right over our house

This rainbow appeared.

We were not home at the time, but our son-in-law happened to see this sign from the Heavens

And emailed it over to us!

I am delighted!

It spans our farm from the middle to the end—-an amazing gift of



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How To Keep Your Yard Looking Nice In The Winter 489101

A homeowners landscape can tell you a lot about that person. Many people don’t really pay all that much attention to their yard, thinking that no one else does either, but this is not necessarily true. Free Games Dirt Bike If you have been neglecting your yard and are not proud of the impression it has been making on your guests, read this article to find out how you can make some simple, but impactful, changes.

Always know the mature size of the plants you choose. Two plants may look great together at first; however, if one matures to a size of 2 feet and the other at 5, the larger will quickly overshadow the smaller. Not only will this cause a lopsided feel to your landscaping, it can endanger the smaller plant if they are also too close together as the larger one blocks sunlight and spreads its roots seeking nourishment. You need to decide how much design you actually want in your landscape. While it’s less costly to build a square deck or patio, it is not worth it if you don’t like the outcome, and if you don’t use it as a result. You may wish to hire a designer to create something you can use.

Make sure you do real research on the plants you are considering for your landscaping. Look into what requirements each plant has for optimal growth. Furthermore, be sure to understand the amount of attention each type of plant needs, and match plants to fit your lifestyle. A great place to start this research is your local garden center. The long term success of your landscaping is dependent upon preparing the soil before you start planting. If you condition your soil and add mulch, not only will your efforts enhance plant growth, it will also significantly reduce the number of weeds in your landscaping. An additional benefit of preparing the soil is the reduced amount of water which you will need to maintain landscaping that is both beautiful and healthy.

You should now feel a lot more confident in changing your home’s landscape and drawing in people to appreciate the beauty of your home. Every home has the potential to look more beautiful than it currently is. So take some time to landscape your home and see how much it can improve for the whole family.
